Monday, 10 November 2014

The last cigar humidor you will ever need made by Cigar Star.

Well over the years we have been asked to make a large desk top cigar humidor. So this year we did just that. Introducing our newest addition to our line of cigar humidors. The Royal. It is a 350-400 cigar desk top cigar humidor.

Made using a Walnut burl, with Canadian shaggy bark Hickory as an accent surrounded by a classy inlay with our signature Canadian Maple cigar inlay in the middle. We are proud of this humidor and think it will be the last humidor you will ever need, due to the size and elegant of this master piece. We stuffed 230 cigars still in the box to illustrate the size of this massive humidor. It measures in at 20 inches long by 12 inches width and 9 inches height.
Cigar Star is the best place to buy your cigar humidor in Canada!

 It comes with two 150 transparent crystal humidifiers.

Premium kiln dried Spanish cedar.

2 movable Spanish cedar dividers.

Spanish cedar air flow rack on the bottom.

Piano hinge in the middle.

Let us know what you think…….

Monday, 3 November 2014

Why should you choose a Cigar Star Humidor?

We get several emails every year asking why Cigar Star humidors cost a little more than the other websites selling cigar humidor’s in Canada.
We know the answer, it’s quite simple, we only use the highest quality materials for all of our cigar humidors and accessories.
Cigar Star was founded in 2001 with a simple 3 cigar travel humidor. Since the beginning we set out to only produce the highest quality cigar accessories at our price point.
We still use the finest kiln dried Spanish cedar on the market, you will never doubt it as when you open one of our cigar humidors the warm, fresh scent of the Spanish cedar will fill the room.
Our humidor’s weight is an indicator that real hard wood was used when making our cigar humidors. Our Traditions cigar humidor weights in at 12 lbs. for an 80 count cigar humidor.

Master craftsman hand construct all of our cigar humidors. Attention to detail and intricate handcrafted inlays are sure to impress.
Almost 14 years later we’re still here, that says a great deal about just how far we have come.
With that said, you truly get what you pay for. The love for cigars is our driving passion. When you have the pleasure of aging a cigar for 5+ years and lighting it up to celebrate that special occasion, Cigar Star wants to be a part of that great moment by providing the perfect environment for your cigar.
Our relentless pursuit to perfection is why our humidors are standing up to the test of time.