A premium cigar, by definition, is handmade and in most cases, constructed with long-filler tobacco. It is 100% pure tobacco leaves throughout its construction. Unlike cigarettes or machine made cigars, they have no chemicals that are added that will keep them from drying out. Therefore, they must be stored at the correct humidity level to preserve its moisture content, or they will dry out and crumble.
The cigars must be kept at 64-72% humidity level and 60-70 degrees temperature to prevent them from drying out. This is best achieved by keeping them in a cigar humidor. The humidor should have a Spanish cedar lining, to enhance the aroma and promote the aging of the cigar. If you are on a budget, there are cigar jars, made of glass, that will do an adequate job. If you are really in a pinch you can use Tupperware, or a similar style food storage container. All of these storage devices must have a humidification element that releases moisture into the storage chamber.
Our Humidors will perfectly replicate the tropical paradise in which most exquisite cigars are grown, fermented and rolled. Cigar’s are like fine wine. When stored properly they will only get better with age.
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