Thursday, 1 November 2012

Winter and Your Cigar Humidor

Having trouble keeping up the humidity level in your humidor? Cigars should be stored at room temperature (about 70F degrees) with a humidity level of 68 to 72 percent. Sometimes, it is difficult to maintain a constant level of humidity inside the box, especially when seasons change. The humidity level inside your house, as well as other conditions, will affect the performance and operation of your humidor's humidification system.

Factors Affecting Humidity Levels In a  Cigar Humidor

The varied use of air conditioners, heaters, and open windows can drastically change the level of humidity inside a house in a short period of time, making it harder (or easier) to maintain the optimal level of humidity inside a humidor. In addition, other factors such as air circulation and exposure to direct sunlight can also lower humidity levels. Try not to place your humidor near vents, fans, or windows. In the winter, the sun is lower in the sky than in summer, and can actually shine further into your house than in the summer (when the sun is overhead). A humidor that I had placed on a coffee table during the summer, had to be moved in the winter because the sun began to shine right on it. .

Best way to mantain your humidity levels inside your humidor during the winter months is to use, TROPICAL HUMIDTY by Cigar Star it offers the perfect humidification solution for your humidor. This solution consists of 50% propylene glycol and 50% distilled water and should be applied to sponge-based humidifiers along with crystal humidifiers as well.

Propylene glycol is a colourless and harmless liquid which has two favourable qualities for your humidor:

  • It prevents the formation of mold and bacteria
  • It is self adjusting to a humidity level of 70%.

This solution actively prevents the formation of mold and bacteria, absorbs humidity at humidity levels over 70% and emits humidity at humidity levels below 70%. This way, the humidifier is self-adjusting and will automatically stabilize the humidity level of your humidor at an optimum level of approximately 70%.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Cigar Humidor Reviews

Well from time to time we check online to make sure that our cigar humidors are living up to our high quality standards in the market and most important for our customers.

After reading reviews on many forums we know we were on the right track.

This year we aimed high with our cigar humidors by raising the bar, including Spanish cedar airflow grate as a standard for each every humidor make made. One goal is to make sure that all Cigar Star humidors will age your cigars perfectly, so when you’re ready for your smoke that you will be able to enjoy it the way it is suppose to be.

Below this is our Treasured Memories 150 Cigar Star humidor.

     OAK, SAPELI, and  WALNUT wood went into this 100% hand crafted work of art . Exotic woods incredible attention to detail.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

New 2012 Cigar Star humidors

Our Brand New Designed cigar humidors are finally finished and we must say that we are extremely happy with what the final results are.

We have listed just a few  on our website

At Cigar Star quality is not an option its a standard with our cigar humidors, Our 2012 models all come with Spanish cedar air flow racks, lock and key to keep your stogies safe, and a gleaming 20 coat lacquer finish. Impressive? NO.............. That's the tip of the ice burg, our most impressive features are the woods we use when making our cigar humidors, Walnut, European Teak, Mapa burls, Sapeli, Bubinga, Ebony, and we could not leave out Birdseye Maple...My personal favourite.
All our humidors are 100% hand crafted our inlay patterns are all done by hand with attention to details that will impress anyone that you show them to.

Cigar Star Cigar Humidors will be one of the last you will ever need, once you own one the only reason you will ever need to buy another Cigar humidor is because your collection of cigars need another cigar humidor to store them....

We know that once you have a Cigar Star humidor you will always buy a Cigar Star humidor and recommend us to your family and friends.
Stop by to see our new line up 2012 Cigar Humidors.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

new humidor

Over the years Cigar Star has learned what our customer demand, quality is not an option it is standard in every Cigar Star humidor. Our 2012 models are no exception. Our new cigar humidors will exceed your expectation, as we went over the top and around in circles creating some true master pieces of cigar humidors. We deeded to take some of mother natures most exotic, rare, raw materials and create dazzling hand crafted humidors with detailed hand crafted inlays which make the wood reflect the beauty of nature and create a pleasant ambiance when your ready to grab your perfectly aged fresh cigar.
We are very proud of our team of master craftsmen and feel they have elevated our humidors to a new level of excellence with their skillful ability to hand craft unmatchable quality and details. If you see Cigar Star you know your getting a cigar humidor that will last for years and age your cigars perfectly.
Take a sneak peak of one of our new 2012 models Ebony surrounded by Mapa burl, Teak and Walnut inlays, Stunning, amazing all hand crafted mad by the hand.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

WHY do you need to spend a great deal on a cigar humidor?

Well we thought that we would answer questions that we are always asked by customers.
WHY do you need to spend a great deal on a cigar humidor?
The answer is simple....YOU DON'T! 
Yes Cigar Star is a company that boasts excellent craftsmanship in all our cigar humidors is actually saying you don't NEED a cigar humidor to store your cigars.
But our cigars do need to be stored properly so they can age properly and the tobacco used to make your cigars marry together to create a unique cigar experience.

To store your cigars with only spending a few bucks you can use a mason jar with a humidifier, or even a Tupperware container with a damp sponge, just make sure it is an air tight container. Both of these ideas you can use to age you cigars and prevent them from drying out and cracking or splitting.

Humidors of course provide the optimum and ideal environment for your cigars and allow you to showcase them to everyone. Cigar Star humidors are designed to aged your cigars perfectly!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Cigar Star Humidor review

Here at Cigar Star® we design & manufacture Premium Quality Cigar Accessories. From cigar cutters, cigar humidors and cigar humidor gift sets to travel humidors and cigar cases. We have many useful & innovative cigar accessories. All Cigar Star products are made with the finest materials.
Cigar Star cigar cutters are built to last and provide you with a quality cut everytime!
Our cigar travel humidor and cigar cases complete your cigar collection so you can take your cigars anywhere, share them with friends & allows you to carry your stogies in style.
Our cigar humidors are made with exotic woods with a high attention to detail, world class designs, impressive handcrafted inlay's will amaze you. Cigar Star Humidor will age your cigars perfectly.
Our line of affordable cigar humidors are just a click away! Fast shipping service and friendly customer service are our speciality!

Our goal beind our cigar Humidors are to age your cigars so that the tobacco that is used in your cigar marry together creating perfectly aged cigars. Have a review of our Cigar Humidor. We would love to hear from you.
Below is a photo of a 2008 Cuba Punch Puch cigar that has aged perfectly in a Cigar Star humidor over the past 4  years. This is how you know your humidor is doing a great job. Plume on cigars is a great thing as you know that your cigars are aging properly.